Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Failing your New Year Resolution for Weight loss? It's mental! (It is!)

One great benefit I'm getting from all this losing weight, getting fitter and eating clean, is the amount of valuable information I have been reading and learning lately.  Most of the stuff out there is lots of common sense, just like losing weight.  You eat healthy, You exercise OFTEN, You Drink Water (LOTS), You have a normal life (without much STRESS), and you will lose weight.  It will happen sooner or later!  Seems easy, right?  After all, drinking water shouldn't required a major effort, right?  

But in reality losing weight is not that easy.  Even though the information is common sense, very simple, and not complicated at all, still, losing weight is not easy.  I have been trying to understand and find the source of this complication within the process of losing weight.   I guess there is a different sources, depending on the person going through the process.  But something I came across recently on a magazine article, talked to me and guided me on the right direction.  

So, you finally decide to lose weight, prepare your pantry, your outfit, your gym membership, your dumbbells at home, your bottle of water, P90X, Jillian Anderson, etc. (sound familiar?), still there is one thing that most people forget.  Losing weight, like any other change in life will require a physical effort, but it will also need a mental one.

You have to mentally prepare for a lifestyle change.  And that tiny detail is instrumental for success.  Human brain is one of the most amazing and complicated system, it's also one of the strongest tool you will have to conquer all your weight loss obstacles. 

If you are thinking about losing weight, start by preparing yourself physically and mentally.  Start by exercising your brain first, then you will have a better chance to be successful. 

If you are serious about the process, then you need to have a weight loss frame of mind.  Start by creating a mindset system that will support your new healthy lifestyle.  Here are some tips to creating the ultimate "Weight Loss Frame of Mind":

  • Examine your current thinking - ask yourself, are you setting yourself up for failure before you even begin?  If you start thinking that you can't drink 3 liters of water, YOU WON'T DRINK them!  Your subconscious mind has no reasoning or analytical ability, and cannot tell the difference between what real or unreal.  If you keep on telling your subconscious mind that something is impossible (include here the list of food you don't like, the exercises you won't do because they are difficult, etc), it will become impossible.  Be honest with yourself, write down your goal and your thoughts about it.  Try to identify if you are sabotaging your own process by thinking you can't do something.  We all have tiny gremlins hidden in our subconscious, make sure you find them and learn to control them. (don't feed them after midnight!) :)
  • Adopt a new way of thinking - If you have identified any negative beliefs and thoughts then you need to take action.  Write down the most common negative thought you have and adopt the complete opposite.  Challenge your own brain to do something unthinkable.  When you adopt positive beliefs and thoughts, or just positive thinking, it encourages you to feel good about yourself, boosts your confidence and motivates you to take action.  Rather than thinking that you can't possibly drink 3 liters of water, just think - " I will drink not only 3 liters but maybe 4 liters.  I can do it easily because I'm successful and strong".  (WOO HOO!)
  • Repeat an affirmation - An affirmation is a declaration that something is "true", and when said repeatedly  it is designed to change a negative believe.  Just create an affirmation regarding your weight loss process.  Repeat the affirmation every time you can and remember.  It will feel funny at first but you will see how your mind starts to think positive and you will start feeling like sky's the limit! :)  Here is an example - "I'm unique and perfectly made. I can do all things, and I achieve my goals with confidence and ease!".
  • Practice visualization - Visualization is the process of creating a clear mental image in your mind, and is a powerful tool to achieve your goals.  Scientifically proven, visualization is one of the most effective tools for athletes all over the world.  They envision themselves winning, conquering their goals, setting records, etc.  Create a scene on your mind, see yourself losing the weight, feeling lighter, feeling healthier, wearing smaller jeans or just looser jeans.  Maybe wearing that bikini you saw recently at the mall, walking down the beach just feeling the sun toasting your slimmer body.  Focus on the feeling of accomplishment, you did it!  Envision yourself feeling successful!
  • Feed your mind - To support your weight loss frame of mind you  need to become aware of what you are feeding it.  People who surround you, things you read, shows you watch, website you visit.  Make sure that whatever you are watching, listening, seeing or doing, feeds your mind with the motivation it needs to take action and the fuel it needs to stay positive.  Remember to visit my Facebook page - Losing It with Dora for inspiration, motivation and valuable information. We will support your new frame of mind.  Promise!
  • Take action - Having the right mindset is essential for success.  But without consistent action all these tools and tips are useless.  Have a plan, consult your doctor, nutritionist, personal trainer if need be.  Focus on your plan, making healthy choices every day and exercise regularly.  

 Be in control of your mind, your goals, your destiny.  By setting up a new frame of mind, you will conquer any goal you set for yourself.  Good luck!

 Remember that whatever the mind believes it will set out to achieve!

Additional Information:
  • Some of the content of my blog was extracted from Fitness Magazine - Fatloss edition / South Africa.  A link to the actual article wasn't available on the internet. 
  • Also including some interesting articles that discuss other aspects of the role of your brain on weight loss.  One of my favorite articles is the one that discusses the mental aspect of the cravings.  The links I'm providing for these articles are from a website that have great articles, but also are looking to sell you something in addition to the information.  Just focus on the information, it's valuable. And the "marketing" is not too aggressive. :)