Monday, June 4, 2012

The New & Improved Dora!

A year ago I started a journey, I wanted to lose some weight and trying to become a healthier individual.  Last May 0f 2011 losing weight stopped being my eternal need to feel skinny and became something bigger.  My goal - "I want to be healthy and pain free".  Yes!  Pain free!  

I have been dealing with a pretty "screwed up" lower back for a while now.  And even though I was told that I had a degenerative disc disease back in the early 90's, I was young and naive.  And you know what happens when you are young, right?  NAH! I thought I was immortal!  (The superwoman kicked in!) 

With time, age, bad posture, weight gain and careless behavior, my lower back pain started to have relapses more and more often.  Last May the verdict was pretty bad, my 5 lumbar discs were herniated and the lower thoracic ones were showing signs of degeneration.  Imagine how I felt.  I woke up every single morning feeling some kind of pain, sometimes more or less pain, but it was there and it was constant.  I didn't like it a bit!  

I cried for days, feeling sorry for myself, but soon I got tired of complaining about it, nothing can't be fixed if you just sit and do nothing.  You have to choose quick if you want to be part of the problem or part of the solution.  It was an easy decision for me, my glass is always full!  I'm an eternal optimistic!  

In that very moment I decided to focus on what I could do... So I asked myself, "What can you do to improve your lower back? What would you like to accomplish? What tools are you going to use?  

It was easy, I needed to lose some weight, get some lower back therapy and started to do weight training in order to improve my muscle structure and strength. In summary, focus on everything around that screwed back!  

First I started with my diet.  I decided to start a diet named "The 17 days diet", it's a lot of common sense stuff as it focus like many other diets on eating less processed food, portion control and balance food groups.  I picked this diet because it fits my particular needs at that  point.  I'm the kind of person who needs structure when it comes to diets.  Also, I completed my physical therapy program and started to do more overall exercises.

By Sept 2011 I was 16 pounds lighter and feeling significantly better.  

Something I realized during this process was that in order to make this permanent I needed to change my eating habits permanently.  Following a diet long term won't solve the problem.  People get tired of diets and structures.  That's probably why the trend now is to avoid calling it a "DIET".  

Soon after Sept 2011 my friend Jill Cowart introduced me to Clean Eating magazine and Tosca Reno.  From that moment on, I stop feeling OK and started to feel pretty AWESOME!

Clean eating is another common sense concept, but for most of us doesn't come easy.  After all we are surrounded with temptations, so it's difficult to commit to clean, non processed food, eating.  Clean eating is without a doubt over 60% responsible for how I feel today.  I'm pain free!  I don't take any medication unless I have one tough day and my joints are hurting a little (it happens to everybody!, right?) The other responsible part is my strength training.  

As you see there is no magic pill, intestine cleanse or killing workout.  It's not rocket science.  It's good old clean eating and weight training. 

Right now I'm still on the weight I reached back in September 2011.  I want to lose another few pounds, my goal is 140 pounds.  But you know what, I know it will happen eventually, I'm not in a hurry because I have been working on my health, and good things take time.  I'm way stronger, and slimmer due to my weight training. (and the help, work and motivation of Ms. Lindsey Wallace)

A lots of girlfriends asked me everyday in Facebook what I have been doing, some of them are more interested than others.  All of them want to do something about their weight, how they feel and how they look.  That's the reason why I'm writing this blog.  I would like to share all the resources I have been using in order for you to start your own journey.   Losing weight is a very personal process, you need to prepare and have resources, so you can be successful long term.  

Here are some of the stuff I learned, a few advices and the resources I found useful during my journey: 

First start by getting to know yourself.  Why do you want to lose weight, what do you like about yourself, what do you want to change and why,  what did work in the past while trying to lose weight, what didn't work well.  In my case, I didn't want a diet that block indefinitely certain food or items.  I like my occasional glass of wine, so if a diet treats wine like EVIL, it's not the diet I want to follow.  Sometimes you will have to block stuff while you are learning to control yourself, but it's always good to know that eventually you can have that food you like in moderation and it won't hurt all your hard work.

Looking good on your jeans or bikini is a good reason to lose some weight, but you  have to find something more important than that.  Otherwise it won't stick!  As you already know, for me it was about my health. What would motivate you enough?  Your health, your kids, your self esteem, your career?  Find that motivation that will make you commit!  In my opinion, this probably the most important component of the process. 

Find the diet or eating structure that fit your personality.  Now, remember you will need to challenge yourself as well.  You are going to be breaking bad eating habits, it won't be paradise!!  Well, it wont be paradise at the beginning, I promise it will change! 
Find the workout or exercise routine that fit your personality and your lifestyle.  Once you find that, make sure you start slow.  Make sure you alternate your options so you don't get bored.  Research the internet for new ideas and routines.  Pilates, Yoga, Zumba, Kickboxing, Weights, Circuit Training, P90X, Insanity, running, swimming, walking, jogging.  There are so many options, the more alternatives the better!  :)   

Once you are ready to start, remember to set small goals.  Don't focus on the big number first.  Set goals short, medium and long term.  Take before photos, it will help you to realized your accomplishments.  Remember that for girls weigh loss comes in many forms.   You can see changes in your clothes and not on the scale.  Focus and celebrate your small victories!  

If you cheat on your diet at lunch, don't drop it for the rest of the day.  One meal cheat is better than giving up all!  Try to stick to your diet as much as you can especially at the beginning.  Those first two weeks will be crucial for your long term success.

Tomorrow is always a new day.  You can start all over again.  Just don't give up!


 I don't like to keep food logs but I found the next best thing, an accountability partner.  I sent my friend Jill everything I eat on an email every night.  We discuss back and forward what was good, bad and ugly.  We both learn from each other mistakes and gather ideas for meals, exercise and overall eating habits.  Going through the process of "confession" makes you more aware of your areas of improvements, not to mention all that good feedback and motivation you will get from your accountability partner.  

Be patient!  You won't lose all the weight you have gained within the last few years in a week.  Be patient! You will hit many plateaus, and that' ok because it will let you know that you have to shake things up!  

I'm currently going through one right now, and after few weeks I decided to do some changes to my diet and commit to do more cardio.  (I wasn't doing much at all) 

 Celebrate your small victories and share it with the world.  When you eat clean food, you will feel healthy, energetic and beautiful.  You have to feel it to understand it!  Go for it!   
Love Jen Hudson's story.  She found her structure and conquered her goal even when she was facing true life tragedy.  She wanted to become healthier for her baby boy!  A goal bigger than life!!

  • The 17 days diet  - I started buying this book and then move to Eat Clean Diet.  You can also start with Eat Clean Diet right away.
  • Eat Clean Diet - Tosca Reno  - I started with the "Eat Clean Diet - Recharged" book and lots of online articles.
  •  Clean Eating Magazine - I use this website for recipes but it also has valuable info about the clean eating lifestyle.  The actual hard copy magazine is pretty good.   

  • The Gracious Pantry - my favorite recipe website.  You can also find lots of information about how to learn and start the clean eating lifestyle.  Since I started to cook clean I do my own pesto, hummus and granola.  It's WAY better and healthier if you know what's there.  :)
  • Clean and Delicious with Dani Spies - If you need visuals to learn, this is a great website.  Dani has a lot of "How to Cook" YouTube videos.  Really good and educational.

Well, what are you going to do?  I think you have enough material to start your journey.  If you need help I will be here to cheer you up.  

I don't know all the answers, I still have difficult days, I still eat some processed food occasionally, but when I fail or fall I just go back straight to my initial goal...  Be healthy and pain free!  That's my north, and motivation enough to stand up, look forward and keep walking towards a healthier lifestyle.    

Tosca Reno was overweight and depressed at the age of 40.  Tosca is 53 years old and in addition to be a best selling author, she's a professional body image competitor.  YES! the photos in the background is her in her early 40's!   Freaking amazing!!


  1. No lo dejes caer!!!
    Definitivamente todo lo que has dicho tienes toda la razón...El sentirse bien con uno mismo te pude cambiar la vida! No sólo es como nos vemos, si no tambien como nos sentimos. El adoptar un estilo de vida saludable no es dificil, ni mucho menos aburrido... sólo hay que proponerselo!
    Love your blog!!!

  2. encanta!!! Tu sabes que mi batalla con el sobrepeso ha sido toda mi vida, hoy dia, a mis 50 añitos es que mejor estoy fisicamente, pero aun me falta. Necesito que me empujen, que me tengo que reprogramar cada semana. Esta lucha no es facil cuando uno nació comelona..... HQJ!

  3. Gracias Arual!! We are together in this!!
    Martita - entiendo tu lucha. Sabes que cuentas conmigo para apoyarte y darte animo. You are not alone! Podemos cocinar cuando vaya a PR. :)
    Love you girls!!
