Tuesday, October 23, 2012

SUPERFOODS - Mr. Broccoli

Eating healthy comes with some acquired responsibilities.  Some of those are related with learning more and more of what you put on your family's plate.  Eating healthy isn't about being on a diet at all!  

Since I started to change my eating lifestyle and trying to become more health conscious, I have been learning tons of information about nutrition and what it can do for you physically and emotionally.   At some point it stops being about losing some pounds, but more about feeling good and satisfied as a well. 

It's amazing how much good stuff is out there, and it's available for all of us to use whenever we are ready to adopt it. 

Superfoods are not "superheroes" tiny cartoons in a shape of carrots, tomatoes or a banana,  :)  but that will be cute, right?  Still, these "foods" provide with so much to your body that in a way, they are SUPERHEROES!  They are saving you from diseases, unhealthy habits and overall frustrations about your weight.  

Superfoods or Powerfoods influence your weight and body-fat, but also are high in nutrition, providing health benefits beyond just the vitamins and minerals they contain.  Superfoods can help to prevent heart attacks and various forms of cancer. They can also decrease blood pressure levels and improve the immune system function.  Again the benefits are endless. 

For all these reasons I decided to share some of this information with you.  I love to feel healthy and want you to feel the same way too.  I will be posting general information about each of these Superfoods on my blogs, hope you all enjoy it and maybe challenge yourself to include some or many of them on your daily meals.  

I decided to start with Broccoli, just because it's a easily available veggie that I didn't like much in the past.  Now, I love broccoli, not just because of what it brings to my nutrition, but because I found delicious ways to cook it.  After all, you have to like what you cook, right?  If you dont like broccoli, you wont eat it, even if it's the best food out there!! 


Just one cup of Broccoli provides you with 150 percent of your daily vitamin C needs and 20 percent of your required fiber.  (Vitamin C is not always linked to fruits my friends!!)  Broccoli contains beneficial amounts of phytochemicals* that repair DNA, block the development of cancer cells and support the immune system because of their antiviral, antibacterial and anticancer properties.  The benefits of this veggie are endless!

The amount of fiber in broccoli keeps you satiated for hours, while the digestive benefits from the phytochemicals aid in the absorption of other nutrients. 
 *phytochemicals or phytonutrients, are neither vitamins nor minerals; they are substances that plants manufacture to protect themselves from viruses, bacteria, fungi, insects. They may help prevent some cancers, heart disease, high blood pressure, cataracts, osteoporosis, and other conditions.

Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin K and Fiber

Steamed, Roasted, Stir-fried.

Broccoli is named after the Latin word BRACHIUM, meaning branch or arm.


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