Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Oscar's Night

Oscar's night 1999...
A glass of wine, plenty of appetiziers and my BFF's. Titanic was nominated for Best Movie.

Oscar's night 1983...
A soda, some chips and my mom.  E.T. was nominated for Best Movie.

One thing I missed about being away from the US and Puerto Rico is the opportunity to watch the Oscars with family and good friends.

This year while watching an "encore" of the Oscars (a night later in Germany) I certainly remembered those days.  It was a classic Oscar's night and on top of that Billy Crystal hosted the show, what else you can ask for.  RIGHT?  And even when it was a rerun, and I didn't have my BFF's and family around, the emotions were still very familiar.  

It's still exciting watching "first timers" finding out they got the Oscar, still emotional witnessing a winner thanking their parents and still heart-breaking realizing that so many talents are not with us anymore.  

I grew up loving Hollywood, its stars and craziness.  This love connects me with my mom, with my friends and it's part of who I am.  

Today, "The Oscar goes to... my mom and my BFF's"  

For sharing the love and passion I have for the movies; and for creating memories that will live with me forever, but particularly make me smile today. 

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