Saturday, March 3, 2012


A movie about the US military that doesn't portrait our military as a bunch of unstable individuals, or the CIA as a the sum of all evil?   

It was hard for me to believe that such a movie could exist in Hollywood these days.

I'm not saying that I like the war or that I think that our government makes the best decision when it comes to foreign policies all the time, but why our military reputation or the reputation of any security based agency has to be tarnished by the decision of very few.  After all, we all have our bad moments, bad calls, that doesn't make us evil, right?

All that being said, I want to say that this is a movie every single American citizen should see.  It's not about politics, it's not about agencies, it's not about our government.  Act of Valor is about real life acts of valor, those acts that a few who believe in our country and what stands for, are willing to make even at the cost of their own lives. 

The movie has been harshly criticized by many.  People are focusing their criticism on acting quality, story and main purpose behind the movie.  I just can't understand why people can't see the movie for what it is.  Act of Valor is a real life tale of an extraordinary group of men who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country and all of us who enjoy our country way of life.  

Act of Valor is a very good movie considering it didn't have all the budget most action flicks have now a days.  Navy seals members were played by real Navy Seals (YES! real life Active Duty Navy Seals), the story was nicely developed considering it takes into consideration real missions and the overall filming was pretty realistic. 

Do I think the acting deserve an Oscar? No 
Do I think the movie deserve an Oscar? Oh well, if movies like "No country for Old Men" won an Oscar anything goes, right?

What I think Act of Valor, as a movie, deserve is our respect.  Go and see the movie for what it is, a tale of courage, valor and love for your country.  Celebrate the lives of those who died for your country's freedom, not a political belief.  

It's a movie difficult to see, and it's difficult to see because it's real, it happens everyday out there while we enjoy our lives peacefully.  

After seeing this movie I slept a little bit better, felt a little bit more secure and felt a lot more proud of those who serve and their families.  I will be eternally thankful because there are many men out there willing to preserve our safety, our peace and our freedom. 

If you don't have anything good to say about this movie, at least be grateful for what our military does for our country.  Remember, you can always move to another...  :)


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